Before and after Bright Light
Teeth turn yellow and change their colour:
red wine
in course of time
Already after the first application your smile will have become much more lighter. And in a week you will get the expected result:
Yellowness, grey deposit and stains will disappear and your teeth will gain healthy whiteness and shining.
Your speech will become more confident and convincing.
You will look even more fresh and attractive.
And your white-snow smile will again (like in childhood) acquire its charm and make you look at least 3-4 years younger!
7 days only: for 30 minutes a day, twice a day. And you will get the same whitening effect as after expensive dental procedures in a dentist's office. Not being distracted from your affairs. Not overpaying. Without any discomfort.
Try it and you will be convinced of how quick and easy your teeth will regain their whiteness!


As simple as a 2x2!